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Oct 2, 2023
Diary of a Madman - World of Darkness
We're back, and we brought some Dead Gamers with us! It's another EOR crossover event, this time with our friends from the Dead Gamers...

Mar 25, 2023
The Batman RPG
Much like our By the Sword run, this Batman RPG game was an unintended hit.

May 14, 2022
Monsterhearts: The Next Generation - Powered by the Apocalypse
Arguably the first fully-realized outing for the new incarnation of the EOR (Des, David L., Kenny, Rainy, and Santiago).

Nov 14, 2021
A Start in Glorantha - Runequest
We once again venture into the realms of RuneQuest, this time with Rainy at the helm.

Apr 17, 2021
Reclaimed Perimeter - Cyberpunk RED
Hey, they can't all be winners. Despite our best efforts, this Cyberpunk RED campaign never really caught fire the way we wanted.

Dec 31, 2020
Palladium Stories
A series of intermittent Palladium Fantasy duets stretching from 2020-21, featuring dark tales of Man-eater from By the Sword.

Aug 25, 2020
The Great Game - Castle Falkenstein
This Castle Falkenstein game features members of the original EOR and Just Barbarian Things, and Alex from our By the Sword campaign.

Apr 11, 2020
By the Sword - Palladium
What was intended (mostly out of embarrassment, frankly) as a patron-only run of the original Palladium Fantasy RPG went onto the main feed.

Jan 12, 2020
A Matter of Cornwall - King Arthur Pendragon
The plan was to run through the Great Pendragon Campaign again, but this time from the perspective of Cornish knights. Then COVID happened.

Mar 30, 2019
Black & White - World of Darkness
The final installment in the first Aaron Evans Vampire duet chronicle trilogy; Aaron's arc from Fledgling to Neonate wraps up.

Dec 2, 2018
Des takes the MC spot to run Monsterhearts, the Powered by the Apocalypse game of supernatural teenage romance.

Mar 24, 2018
Paladin Campaign
After our demo game of Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne the previous year, the group embarks on a longer campaign.

Dec 27, 2017
East of Eden - World of Darkness
A Nightlife Vampire duet chronicle, the direct sequel to Neon Masquerade.

Oct 7, 2017
Prophecies of Doom - Runequest
A short campaign of Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, using the special Gen Con 2017 rules preview.

Jun 10, 2017
A Chill Semester - World of Darkness
A "new" World of Darkness Mortals chronicle, set in the same continuity as (and with most of the same characters from) As It Seems.

Apr 22, 2017
Thirteen Candles - World of Darkness
A Nightlife Vampire duet chronicle and semi-prequel to Neon Masquerade.

Nov 9, 2016
The Demon's Mirror - World of Darkness
A Nightlife duet chronicle of vampire hunting, set in the same continuity as Neon Masquerade, The Giovanni Chronicles, and Thirteen Candles.

Aug 13, 2016
Horror on the Orient Express - Call of Cthulhu
Our Call of Cthulhu mega-campaign, set in the same continuity as The Veil of Isis and No Man's Land.

Apr 2, 2016
Achtung! Cthulhu Campaign
We start the Zero Point campaign and run through the entirety of the Shadows of Atlantis campaign.

Nov 29, 2015
Neon Masquerade - World of Darkness
The first of our "Nightlife" series, a classic World of Darkness (specifically, Vampire: the Masquerade) duet chronicle.
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