Well, here it is: the return not only of our Nightlife duet series, but of one of our favorite characters, Amy Patterson. Of course, last year's Hunter: The Vigil chronicle ("Diary of a Madman") was set in the Patterson continuity as well, but now we get to hop back to before the events of that chronicle and find out what Amy's been up to.
It's been EIGHT YEARS (still can't believe that) since we ran "The Demon's Mirror", but only a short amount of time has passed for Amy. Of course, for me and Des, there's more than a little bit of reorientation to be done in this first session, as well as updating Amy to the 2nd edition of HtV.
I should also note that, like many of our games released this year, this chronicle was recorded over the span of many months. To be precise, this kicked off in January, and we're just coming up to the final couple chapters of the chronicle as I type this. Aren't you glad you won't have to wait as long?
Start listening here:
Check out the original series starting here:
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